Our stance on data protection

It is not your data, but its protection that is particularly important to us. We do not use analysis tools such as Google Analytics or even a better ranking in Google search results so that your surfing behaviour cannot be evaluated, at least not while you are on our pages.

We do not use cookies, except to protect our website. In any case, we never use them to collect or pass on information about you and your browsing behaviour. Our attitude is that your computer is none of our business and that we should therefore not leave any data on your system. All cookies generated by this website are therefore set so that they are deleted/deactivated when the browser window is closed or within 24 hours at the latest (with the exception of editors and authors who log in with a user name and password and the exceptions listed below).


Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the desired data protection for the »Test bots« subpage. The reason for this is that we use an external service provider, Chatbase.co, which has integrated Google fonts for the captchas that appear from time to time, among other things. This means that Google has access to these pages and the usage data of this page. We regret this, but cannot change it for the time being.
When you use one of our chatbots, we can read everything you enter. We do not link this to your data (such as your IP address), but if you disclose personal information (such as names, locations, company details, etc.), this will be visible to us. In addition, everything you enter into our chatbots is sent to our service provider chatbase.co. Although they promise to store the data in encrypted form and only forward it to OpenAI (GPT), this cannot be verified. (Click here for the privacy policy of Chatbase.co.) At the moment, this is all happening outside the guidelines of the GDPR. OpenAI could use this data for training purposes. For good reason, a growing number of companies prohibit the use of ChatGPT in connection with company data. Our tip: Do not enter any information into our chatbots that allows conclusions to be drawn about you or your environment.


When visitors post comments on the website, we collect the data displayed in the comment form, the visitor’s IP address and the user agent string (which identifies the browser) to help recognise spam.

An anonymised character string (also known as a hash) can be created from your email address and passed to the Gravatar service to check whether you are using it. You can find the Gravatar service’s privacy policy here: https://automattic.com/privacy/. After your comment has been approved, your profile picture will be publicly visible in the context of your comment.


If you are a registered user and upload photos to this website, you should avoid uploading photos with an EXIF GPS location. Visitors to this website could download photos stored on this website and extract their location information.


If you write a comment on our website, this can be a consent to save your name, e-mail address and website in cookies. This is a convenience feature so that you don’t have to re-enter all this data when you write another comment. These cookies are stored for one year.

If you have an account and log in to this website, we will set a temporary cookie to determine whether your browser accepts cookies. This cookie does not contain any personal data and is discarded when you close your browser.

When you log in, we will set up some cookies to store your login information and display options. Login cookies expire after two days and cookies for display options after one year. If you select »Stay logged in« when you register, your registration will be maintained for a fortnight. When you log out of your account, the login cookies will be deleted. 

Embedded content from other websites

Posts on this website may contain embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves exactly as if the visitors had visited the other website.

These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking services and record your interaction with this embedded content, including your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to this website.

With whom we share your data

If you request a password reset, your IP address will be included in the reset email.
If you use our chatbots, everything you enter will be forwarded to chatbase.co and subsequently to OpenAI (GPT).

How long we store your data

When you post a comment, it is saved indefinitely, including metadata. In this way, we can automatically recognise and approve follow-up comments instead of holding them in a moderation queue.

For users who register on our website, we also store the personal information they provide in their user profiles. All users can view, change or delete their personal information at any time (the user name cannot be changed). Website administrators can also view and change this information.

What rights you have to your data

If you have an account on this website or have written comments, you can request an export of your personal data from us, including any data you have provided to us. In addition, you can request the deletion of all personal data that we have stored about you. This does not include data that we are required to retain for administrative, legal or security purposes. Nor does it include the data you have entered into our chatbots.

Where your data is sent

Visitor comments could be analysed by an automated spam detection service.

Texts that you enter into one of our chatbots are forwarded to chatbase.co and, in some cases, to OpenAI (GPT).

The website is hosted by world4you and therefore in Austria.

Revoke your consent

If you wish to revoke or change your consent the first time you access the page, please click here.


Humans are creating a superior being. We are accompanying this development, learn new things every day and pass on our knowledge. We train chatbots - for ourselves and others.



+43 1 786 37 81

Tautenhayngasse 21/3
1150 Vienna