Imprint is 100% owned by Clemens Blab, Magdalena May, Gernot Winter and Christoph Wirl.

The company »Superintelligenz GmbH« is being founded.

© 2024

Design: Magdalena May and Gernot Winter based on WordPress and Divi by Elegant Themes

All portrait photos: Photo Studio Mayer mit Hut

All images, with the exception of the portrait photos and our logo, are created by an AI system. We used (stable diffusion), Dall-e from OpenAI, Midjourney or Adobe Firefly.

The equal linguistic treatment of all people is important to us. Treating people equally linguistically means naming them the same. We therefore use the generic neuter for gendering (with the exception of the »Humans« page). For more information see:

Humans are creating a superior being. We are accompanying this development, learn new things every day and pass on our knowledge. We train chatbots - for ourselves and others.


+43 1 786 37 81

Tautenhayngasse 21/3
1150 Vienna